Secure secrets with Mozilla SOPS & Keybase...You can use SOPS to store encrypted secrets in Git, using AWS/GCP KMS to encrypt/decrypt them (or encrypt/decrypt the encryption key) and have infrastructure automation that gets the secrets from sops and exposes them to applications as environemnt variables ...microservicesnodejs2021-08-08
Security Measurement in Node js...DOS Attack will crash / shut down a network, or machine, making it inaccessible. Which means users won’t be able to access your application,for example....nodejssecurity2020-01-27
Authorization & Authentication in Node JS...JWT Token based Authorization......nodejssecurity2020-01-27
Structuring Your Node JS Application...A Very little Design and Architecture knowledge are spread around NODEJS eco-system. You already know about MVC but MVC here can be delivery mechanism,not an application architecture.......nodejs2019-04-09
Arrow functions in ES6...Arrow function is the most powerful feature in ES6, especially in typescript.Like, look into one simple statement forEach.Normal Statement with a callback function......javascriptes62019-04-09
Digital Tranformation Case Study of Bajaj Capital...A comprehensive system design analysis of microservices architecture at Bajaj Capital Ltd to power its Financial Services in
Design Patterns in JavaScript, Part 1...In handling large-scale JavaScript applications, we need to manage the code accordingly. While devising the architecture for your large-scale application, it's important to think ahead.......javascriptdesign-patternnodejs2018-11-24 00:00
Understanding Streams in Node JS...Nodejs allows us to pipeline our tasks with the help of streams.Hence Node js works on single thread but this does not means we can not do two tasks or process at a time.This can be done via Child Processes in NodeJs.......nodejsstreams2018-01-04 00:00